Thursday, June 18, 2009


Thanks to my 'JEIHAN' deariee~
for giving me this award..:)

Nyatakan 5 Fakta Menarik Tentang Si Pemberi Award Ini

.she's my classmates since matric till now..
.she's so fun+outgoing+very friendly and talkative,'of course'..
.got a very great bond in friendship..
.so adorable that it makes me cant stand it whenever 'IF' i get any probs w her..seriously!
.d fact:she is 'CRAZY'!hahaha..

Setiap Blogger Mestilah Menyatakan 10 5 Fakta Atau Hobi Diri Sendiri.

.fact: Garfield freakkk..
.fact: i am very practical and meticulous person by nature where i like to get busy w practical solutions.
.fact: sensitive and an altruistic..
.hobbies: on9, shopping, sleep and doin self treatment..haha!

Anda Perlu Memilih 10 3 Penerima Award Seterusnya Dan Describe Tentang Mereka.

. Aul - he's mine..:)
. Aman - he's manga person..hehe!
. Azwin - she's my heart cousin..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I have been Tagged!!!
Dear dude, friends, buddies,fellas n etc..haha!!sorry for being silent for months..
got things to do and got no time to blogger..
Well, down here are some 'stuff' to settle i hv been tagged by 'EM'..

1) Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapakah anda memilih nama blog itu?

'GONDOLAZ'..sbb, dulu i suke ckp org 'gondol'..n dat word dh melekat dgn,edit2..jd gondolaz..haha!

2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?' my name is farah ain zainudin..gee!

3) Apakah method dalam penulisan blog anda?

Should be anything dat supposed to be method la..haha!:P

4) pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? kenapa?
So far..nope~

5) Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ini?
She's rockkkk!seriously..

6) Senaraikan calon yang akan di tag:



1)Do you think you're hot?

Yes..too hawt!hahaha!!;P

2)Upload your favourite picture of you!

3)Why do you like that picture?
Coz' i love my RAKUN eyes..hee~

4)When was the last time you ate pizza?
Last month..huhu:'(

5)The last song you listened to?
'Where my party people at'..yeahh!

6)What are you doing right now besides this?
Messagin my love..wee~

7)What name would you prefer besides yours?
Garfield c tembam!hahaha!!

I tag :
1. Azwin Cuk
2. Jehan Cam
3. Sayang Cet
4. Farah Zalikha Bam
5. Awi Mok

8)Who is number 1?
my dearie cousin..kecik, melepak, ayu tp sgt rockk!haha..

9)Number 3 is having a relationship with?
Yang Maha Esa, family n farah ain zainudin:)

10)Say something about number 5?
Fotogenik n emotional.kowt??hik!

11)How about number 4?
Haha..sgt2 talkative,hyper n happening!n skrang ni,tgh tangkap cintan dgn en'aliman'..opps!heee~

12)Who is number 2?
Perangai lebey kurang dgn yg, lg MENGANCAM!hahaha!love em:)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Yovie n Nuno;Dia miliku~

Hye n salam~
Happy Holiday to all..

sorry because i guess, it might b too l8 for me to wish 'd freedom days' to all after everyone had struggling for their final:P.. but then, it is still ok la kowt..teehee..

well seriously, i do not have any idea to publish anything in ma blog..

but then,love to share quite interesting lyric n song w my dear lovely readers..hehe..

semula ku tak tahu
engkau juga kan ingin memilikinya
bukankah ku lebih dulu
bila engkau temanku
sebaiknya tak mengganggu

dia untukku, bukan untukmu
dia milikku, bukan milikmu
pergilah kamu, jangan kau ganggu
biarkan aku mendekatinya

kamu tak akan mungkin mendapatkannya
karena dia berikan aku pertanda juga
janganlah kamu banyak bermimpi, oooh

dia untuk aku

bukankah belum pasti
kamu juga kan jadi dengan dirinya
dia yang menentukan
apa yang ’kan terjadi
tak usah mengaturku

dia untukku, bukan untukmu
dia milikku, bukan milikmu
lihatlah nanti, lihatlah saja
biarkan aku mendekatinya

kamu tak akan mungkin mendapatkannya
karena dia berikan aku pertanda juga
janganlah kamu banyak bermimpi, oooh

kusarankan engkau mundur saja, ooo

repeat reff
repeat reff2

dia untuk aku
bukan, dia untuk aku

Thursday, December 11, 2008

8th gondolaz..

is that pretty or scary??
Well actually, its very subjective..
it depends on individual..
To me, its cool, its modern and its pretty..haha!!
Not obvious to admit that i find out, girls including me and my own girlfriends just want to be skinny because it might be, we feel self conscious of other girls being lighter than us..(sampai excited nak bli 'mustajab halia'..) sort of product to tone our tummy and slim down our waist, plus etc uses..hahahaha!!

Hence, as it is a competition between girls, so what's the matter with some guys who keep on complaining their girlfriends? simple examples are,'u ni kurus sgtla', 'awak xnak diet?mcm dh berisi sk8',bla n bla~
Personally, i think(i feel its true:p), every guy like curvy girls.. who had small waist, large breasts, big n shapely butt..eww~
i did hear one or maybe more confession about this..sure, im not lying because its really came from true n primary sources..psst2,'i did hear it by my own ears n he was sitting right here besides me..'..lalala~

I admit, when im growing up, losing weight became an obsession.. But then, i still can not control myself from eating too much! Where most of the people loose weight by eating less and moving more..This is so not me!hu..
Therefore, just to feel less guilty, after im taking too much 'marginal' meals, i used to seek others approval..either im fat or not..(everytime pon, same answer..haha!)
For an example, the command conversation between me and sayang after 'melahap', which now, it seems to become stereotype..

Me :sayang, i gemok x?
sayang: gemok!(senyap)..ala, x gemok..ok la..sayang ni..

indeed, i feel very grateful that i have a supportive people around me. They like the way i look and troos they made my self-esteem be higher than i ever..(n sometimes, i used to call em 'bodek keras')haha!! but then, i love them for what they are..kinda person who is always trying to make me happy..even, its fake!:p
But still, i really want to get into shape! what shape?triangle?square?sphera?Hurm maybe, i should try one..SICK!

In that case, to avoid from being too obsess in becoming truly keremping just like Posh,maybe..I love to say that, we should be thankful for what we have now because we are all beautiful in our own way..eventhough, we do feel frumpy or however else we may feel.. So, its better if we get rid of keep on comparing ourselves to others because from here, we can make ourselves feel more insecure..(specifically to this case)

p/s: I feel like im da only one who looking in the mirror and sighing..ish, x elokla!lol~

Monday, December 8, 2008


I have been tagged!
on 6th dec at 6.32 p.m..

Thanks 'Jee' for keeping me in da loop..
Btw, sorry for the late respond..just came back from 'kampung'..ngee
so,i hope, it isn't too late haa..

N ya, not to forget, Salam Aidil adha to all..
Wish you all wellness on this very holy day for all Muslims..:)

Well,this looks fun. Let's see, 28 surveys that i need to complete..
Here we go..

1) bekas kekasih saya adalah
Seorang 'smoker' n kawan karib saye..gee!

2) saya sedang mendengar
adik lelaki saye bercakap2 d telefon(dgn awek die)..;P

3) mungkin saya patut
mengempiskan prot..hahaha!!

4) saya suka belajar
sesuatu yg baru n laen~

5) sahabat baik saya adalah
Nor Dalila Nazihah Che Hasim..dan mereke yg selalu dgn saye mase susah n senang..sayangg sgttt!

6) saya tak paham
kenape org x pernah bersyukur dgn rezeki n nikmat yg die ade..bawak2la bersyukur..kan jee kan??ni x, kalu boley, satu dunia die nak'(.

7) saya kehilangan
kekaseh utk sebulan lebey..hehe..

8) ramai yg berkata
saye chubby..hahaha!!

9) makna nama saya ialah
kegirangan mata:)

10) cinta tu adalah....
.. ntah..mmg yg pelik pon akan ckp pelik n org yg x pelik,lg berase pelik..papepon, die mmg kan, die sgtt 'Membahagiakan"~ngee..

11) di suatu tempat
saye ade semua yg saye sayang..mama,papa,adik2,sayang,rakan2..n sumela!saye harap, saye akan selalu dgn mereke seperti ape yg saye rase sekarang..:')

12) saya akan cuba
untuk jd yg terbaek utk dri saye dan org2 yg berada disekeliling saye..

13) makna SELAMANYA ialah
Tiada penghujungnye..gee!

14) henpon saya...
housingnye sgt buruk..nak tuka,tp nanti2la..sudah berusia setaun lebey..die gemok,tidak kurus, mempunyai kulit yg putih n sedikit kemerah2 -merahan..'pemalu katenya~'..hahaha!!

15) saya paling meluat
bile ade orang yg suke tunjuk hebat..tunjuk bagus..tunjuk tere..dan sekutu dgn nya..meluat n meyampah..rase mahu saja sekeh kepalanye dan berkate,"bgs sgt ke kamu??piiirah!"kemudian ketuk2 lg dahi nye seperti mengetuk pintu..haha!!

16) bila saya bangun dr tidur
cepat2 tengok jam..dan teros cakap dlm hati,"ooh,awal lagi rupenye.."..Ngee..

17) party adalah
sesuatu yg 'happening'..:))

18) haiwan yg paling cute
Garfield!c gemok..hehehe..

19) peringkat umo yg paling menyeronokkn
mase sekolah rendah..x payah pk masalah..gembira sepanjang mase..exam,x pyh,asek score shj..smpai bohsan mahu tgk result..hahaha!:P

20) hari ini saya rasa sgt tension sbb
perot saye x baek lg..maseh'(

21) mlm ini saya akan cuba
variasikan routine saye..hahaha!!

22) saya btl2 inginkan
semua harapan n cite2 saye n parents saye jd kenyataan..ameen:)

23) bila tgk muka kt cermin pg td
saye tros membelek2 muke saye..tgk2..manela tau,ade tumbuh 'makhluk2' yg tidak dingini..:p

24) shopping kompleks adalah
tempat yg sgtttt membuatkan saye teruja dan membuatkan hati saye berdetup-detup dgn laju..kenapa?ntahla..hahaha!!

25) makanan segera biasanya
org sume ckp, saye rase, bende yg x pyh dimasak..bukak shj,n tros boley mkn..hee..

26) ayat2 terakhir kata pd org...
xtau~br saja beberape saat lps..

27) nk pnjgkn tag ni?
ikotla..tidak kesah..

28) mata sy
rabun seblah shj,kalau saye pkai contact lenses, saye akn pkai seblah kanan shj..haha!!,bewarne coklat legam seperti org asia yg laen,besar,berbulu mate pnjg di bwh..ttp,pendek di ats..'saye rase'..:p..ngeh..

who i want to tag..Wee!
.Seriousinjury-Sayang Saye..
.Comics & Career-Shazwan..
.Silent Missile- The Joker
.Farha Aly's Diary-Farha

sile buat yeee. jgn malu2. haha!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

7th gondolaz..

Edward and Bella

Cullens and Bella..

Edward's family..

The Twi-tards..??:P

'Hensem la..'
'Im goin die here..'

Haha!!i keep on saying those words while im watching 'Twilight'..
I dunno why, i feel like im addicted to this film..
Eventhough, there are some of my friends claimed that this movie,'biase2 jela..'..including nanaa pon..:P
Yep,true!i just love it so much!
Maybe, this is really the type of movie that i like the most..(Romantic and at da same time, its dangerous..uuuu~)..
not to much if i said, this is the most epic romance film..

I did catch this movie last Monday with my siblings..Well, xde perasaan pon mule2 tgk..:P
But eventually, i really fall in love with, its soundtrack during the family of Cullens a.k.a vampire is playing the baseball which is 'Supermassive Blackhole' by Muse..:))

Erm actually, 'Twilight' is a novel written by Stephenie Meyer.. And this story is followed by 'New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn'..(im going to collect and read all these four novels..seriously,cant wait!wee!)
Simply said, 'Twilight' is about Bella Swan who moves from sunny, Phoniex Arizona to rainy, Forks Washington..then, at there, she accidentally fall in love with Edward Culleen the vampire..

p/s: Kalaula..'berangan'..hahahaha!!:P

Monday, December 1, 2008

6th gondolaz..




Gee..Havent come to blogger for nearly a week..

Hurm, five things that cross my mind a lot..NOW..
->what i'll be in future..(Qs and??hehe)
->Where and with whom i'll spend my life and future..
->When will i become rich..haha!!
->The main purpose im pursuing my studies (ownself? fam n parents? fame? or wealth?)hurm..
->Next steps, plans, strategies and target..

Im wondering those five things right after i saw my result yesterday, evening..ngee..
So-so jela..after all, i cant do anything with it because indeed, either me or you..all we can do is,'We can lead a horse to water, but we cant make it drink'..
but still,feel very grateful..atleast, the paper that i thought, i've screwed it up which is 'Pre-Contratct' is in a blue pen a.k.a not fail..hehe!!

Would like to gratitude these people who 'officially', done something for me..
Mama and Papa, for everything n anything, Sayang for every support, care n ur help, Qila for the notes, Hajar for teachin me and my heart girlfriends, esp 'ifa for the spirits..Thanks~:))

p/s: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step..Alhamdulillah:)

Monday, November 24, 2008

5th gondolaz..

What do u think?I think he is jealous:P

TRUST.. Hard to build and easy to destroy. I considered, every couples have a very passionate and volatile relationship.. so do i.. plus, i've already placed him in my heart to be my soul mate and i love him dearly..

Just love to share with you, some of my experienced where..
I find out some of my friends, are extremely hard to trust their partners and this can causes a lot of pain and anguish to both parties. What is always play in my mind is, they are sometimes have not found any evidence that their partners have been unfaithful to them. Adoyy..
Erm, maybe they are feeling really insecure kowt~ Therefore, they are tend to questioning their partners every move to ensure their partners will not ruin the plan and the promises that they have made together. And they also get really obsessive thoughts of their partners will cheat on him/her. Isk2..:'(

Gee, when we think of it, in positive and more rational way, there is no such thing will be happened..EXCEPT, if it really shows that your partner is not interested with you at all..'Setakat ym or gv some comments to her/his friends yg diff gender for sometimes, ape salah nye kan??' i dont see anything wrong here.. and again, EXCEPT, your partner is messaging the third party at all the time or talking on the phone for almost everyday..' tu barulaa menggatai~'..:P

Hence, to's better if every individual who is in relationship, trust their partner in any situation. If your partner is cheating on you or doin any undesired attitudes behind your back, just set on your mind that some day, you will get known about their unfaithful and hypocritisme.. So,please try to be strict with yourself and tell yourself not to think such destructive thoughts where it can leads to terrible feeling and then, the things will become much more complicated..

p/s : stop being so controlling and jealous.. Please try to trust your partner.. If not, actually, you're the person who ruin and break the relationship..Mind that.. Sok,sek,sok,sek..'sayang aul saye'..hehe;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Psycho 2..(Cont'd)

To psycho..

And this time, i shouldn't call him by this name.. everything, has been settle down right after i posted the blog about his 'psycho'ness..hehe..
So hopefully,theres no more such thing from him that can rouse my anger..ngee!

Well,i dont want to talk too much..Just, like what we both hv agreed before, i need to make a post about my apology to him because i've called him a 'psycho'(eventhough,no one knows,who he is..ngee~).. so that, theres no reason i need to discard my previous post about him..lalala~

Therefore,to make it simple,with some help from my sister,,i post together the comic strip..(pity lidi je..x reti wat cm aman..hehe!!)

p/s : Im Sorry~wee!

Friday, November 21, 2008

4th Gondolaz..

Shouldn't be this way..hurm2..

It is impossible to be in relationship and not have a fight every now and then.(saye pon slaloo gadoo..huhhu!)..Well,to me,it is considered healthy to have conflict in your relationship at times. I believed that couples that do not fight at all are not really invested in each other and the relationship. They simply do not fight because they do not care what happens to the relationship.. am i right?? So,how much and what kind of fighting is normal?Is there such a thing is normal??hurmm..

p/s: Normally,most of the couples are involving in 'stupid fights'..haha!!Fights that are not really about anything important..they just happen because the couples cannot communicate effectively..esp,ble jauh2 ni..:P

ok,just now,i've read the articles by Phyllis Goldberg talking about 5 tips to minimize the buildup of negative feelings and resentments. Everyone know theirselves and their partners well, so i guess,you can incoporate the following strategies that will work for you and also your relationship!:)

first : Agree to stop arguing and postpone the difficult conversation until u're both feeling less upset. Or step away or put some distance between you and the situation. Take a short break and wait until u both are relaxed enough to return and listen to each other.

second : While spending time apart(like me n sayang..ngee),settle down by thinking more constructive thought, such as..his anger isn't all about me, we really love each other, he's under a lot of pressure at work, this too shall pass, i'm upset now but i know we're right for each other.

third : Get into comfortable position,close ur eyes and breathe in deeply several times trough your nose. Hold your breath for five seconds and release it trough your mouth. Ignore any intriding and negative feelings, Notice how focusing only on ur breathing, make you feel more refreshed.

fourth : Throw yourself into an activity that give you some immediate release.(for instance,call you good frieds and tell him/her about ur feeling, or listen to ur fav music)

fifth : Distraction is a powerful tool and can be in whatever form best suits the character of your relationship. Try humor, be playful or turn the controversy at hand into a game of debate.As a result, you and your partner will be able to enjoy deeper and more meaningful discussions.

p/s:Hahaha!!ym dgn boss about my new post ni..untung ina..hehehe..:P

Thursday, November 20, 2008

3rd gondolaz..


Yesterday, 19th November (it was abg shahir's birhtday juge..teehee!!),was one of the meaningful day for me during this sem break. I got chance to meet my dearest old friends, Nana(she's prettier and keep on shorter than me..hehe), Aida(she's always lovely), Lyn(makin kurus okay..and getting fair,fair, and fair!jeles!) and Seha(she is real cutie..*weet,weet*) at the KLCC. Well, i felt like was getting back together with old friends where mostly i realized that secondary school, which i barely remember, shaped my life and values. In secondary school, we were social conscious, we were intelectually curious and we were also academically competitive(err,da ans should be 'YES'):P..Most of my old friends, admitted that secondary school was harder than college or university. Yela,by hook or by crook, we need to follow all the rules and regulations with no doubt. Compare the universiy life now? We are more freedom like a bird in the blue sky with less limitation.hehe!!

So anyway,what we actually did yesterday? First and foremost, we spent about an hour talking about everything and anything. Studies, Exam, Future planning, Boyfriends and some GOSSIPS??(nanaa n k.huda kne gossip gak..haha!!) And what was especially fun was to watch these four interact like the family unit they are..:)..But for me, what is the most important is, i spent some of my leisure time during my holiday, reconnected with people with whom i shared precious part of my life. True, it was very nice to meet up with old friends again and keep on knowing and concern about them.

Then, after awhile of our chit-chat, we did catch a movie..'The Coffin'..hewhewhuhu~Kind of ghost story and it is about a young man and woman who decide to go trough the ritual in Thailand where it is inspired by a true Thai ritual of lying in the coffins. By doing this, they believed that they can get rid of bad luck and prolong life. Hurm, out of five starts, i can give three stars as the flow of this story is understandable, the ghosts are horror..:p but im not too satisfied with the ending as it seems like 'hanging'.huhu..

The clock is ticking..and after we watched the movie,it's already showed at 4 p.m. So, we decided to go home because lately, the weather is not too good. Crazily hot at noon and rainning at the evening.

In all, im feeling happy but a big guilty because we don't have much time to stay any longer. The day was very hectic but somehow deep inside, i realized, such simple moments seal the bond of friendship forever. Selain family, as sayang told me, we are nothing without them. You can always count on true friends. They help you weather every storm, they cheer you when you are down, and they chide you when you are wrong. Truly love every each of my friends so much! No matter, who you long as, me and you is a friend..:)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


To 'psycho'

To be frank, some people are just plan annoying and some of them just cannot take a hint. And there's also some people who sometimes, you need to be frank and slightly indecent.

Well,here i would like to express that im VERY happy to type on about this guy..who, he is in the category of people who you need to harsh with..yela, he got no feeling at all and the 'sgtlaaa problematic' person.

Gee, he is really irritating person when he always suddenly bring up the topic that it will surely make me double temper..arrgghh! You know what, i didn't bring up and i didn't start the subject. It is diff thing if it was me, who brought the subject up. Jgn sampai i speak out and mentioned your name as the problematic person okay..

He text me just now saying that..

xxx : apakah?
xxx : blog pelik2 je..
xxx : watpe nak komen..

Hello 'psycho'~
i never asked you to give a comment at my blog pon okay..NEVER!!!mind that.. i do have my own friends who willingly to read it and sincerely give a comment to all my posts. Plus, i really x need you and who ask and push you to read my blog???xnak,sudahla!!!

Coincidence, at the time he text me, i was talking to Qayyim on the phone.So, ape lagi?'Pung,pang,pung,pang'..I directly told Qayyim about this 'psycho' guy..hahaha!!(soryla,TERmengumpat but without saying ur name pon..:p).Anyhow, to Qayyim, enjoy your vacation ya Abg Long~and dont forget my ole2!!hehehe..

So,'psycho'..hopefully, it wont happen again..But if it does, dont blame me for being too rude.. I did try not to bring out the past and being 'good' to you..But na''re such a choronic patient in ICU of 'Psychiatry Hospital', please go and see the psychiatrist..

Hey 'psycho', you should be grateful to have a friend, JUST LIKE ME..:P

Monday, November 17, 2008


Mohd Azrul Adnan and Farah Ain Zainudin

My sayang~
Well,im so happy that i found someone like him who willing to do everything just for me without any complaining..And even more happy that im able to spend my time with him. We hv been together for exactly 3 months and it is very beautiful beginning to a life of happiness. I know sometimes,in relationship,it may seems tough..but the environment that i am in,all we really have to do out is to be around each other every waking moment..haha!(mengade~)..Anyhow,thanks for everything dear..

2nd Gondolaz..

Garfield and Odie~


I just took this blog from my friendster's blog where i found that, there's much better if i put all my posts here.. But then, this is the only post that i think..erm, suitable to be read again..:P

Hue3!! what im going to say.. okay, if u're really get into me, you'll know that im tooo obsess to..Treng,teng,teng..GARFIELD!wee!so, let me tell you some about my dearest fav cartoon character..hehe..(seriezly,xde keje~)

Erm, Garfield was born on the comics pages on June 19,1978.. The mastermind of cartoonist, Jim Davis is a humorous strip centered around the lives of a fat, lazy, cynical orange cat who loves lasagna, coffee and his remote control. And ya, his owner, the long suffering Jon and Odie, a sweet but dumb dog..(pity dog..he..)

To me, Garfield is a human in a cat suit because, Garfield loves TV and hates Monday..uhuh~ He rather pig out than workout..In fact, his passion for foods and sleep is matched only by his aversion to diet and exercise (he prefer lay-downs to sit-ups)he.. He'd like morning better if they started later. Coffee, 'strong enough to sit up and bark is the only way to start the day'. What could be more human?? And ya, basically, Garfield reminds me about my own behaviour..haha!!

Fat, lazy and loveable.. Garfield says and does the things that people would like to say and do..If only they could larr.. Well, we're made to feel guilty for overeating and sleep..(me,but i dunno you!gee..) but, Garfield defends our right to grab a jelly, donut and takes a looooong afternoon nap..but somehow, Garfield relieves our guilt and we love him for it..:)

Then, Garfield is also a quotable cat. Garfield is never at a loss for words. In fact, part of his appeal is his unique way of looking at the world. Among Garfield's more sage comments taht i can still recall are..'i'll rise,but i wont shine,never trust a smiling cat, im not overweight but im undertall'..bla,bla n bla.haha!!so,cute~

xtau dah..hehe.. Well,really..i love it since when ya..erm,standard 3 kowt..(aul bace confirm ckp,suke2 je dajah 3..ntah2,dajah 2..):p..hik!
So,ok.. nothing much den..


1st Gondolaz..


Hey, it's holiday!!weee..waaa~'sound too much is it?':P

A moment of joy it supposed to be because i was just finished the last final exam paper for this semester. Yet, somehow deep inside my heart, there was a hole of sadness and emptiness. Plus, i felt like to scream crazily~'Attention to all!i've finished all the exam papers!!yeay!!but hey, i just heard it inside me..Lol~

Gee, i got nothing to write as i don't fully plan about my holiday this i have cancelled
my trip to Langkawi tomorrow with my'(

But it's still okay enough because what is most important thing to do in this blissful holiday is, i do get to sleep in, no complaints here..hehe..

p/s: Going to miss him so much!take care ya my dear pumpkin:))..